Thoughts of Everything

User On One My PTC Site Had Their Account HACKED and Balances Withdrawn.


Hellos everyone at Thoughts of Everything, its Rukun here the creator of thoughts of everything. So member of one of my paid to click sites had his account(s) hacked on other earning sites. So with this being said even though it feels like I keep telling people this all the time use secure passwords never use the same password for more the one account if possible. I would suggest using software such as KeePass where you can store all your passwords in one database. I also can randomly generate secure passwords as well. And for those people in the earning realm you need to be extra careful because most admins don’t even secure their connections. So I thought I would help this user out a bit by sharing his video and the hackers info so yo can either beware or help bring these people to justice.

So below is the users video:

And here is quoted video description from the above user video

Hackers Info: 1. Email:\ 2. IP and Location: this IP located in Bagdad 3. Payeer Address: P1013061492 4. Bitcoin Address: 3KkBnxEpj7rzsVHUPZT4vzMTqLuQGFPvZS Site Admins i request to prevent any kind of withdraws and bussiness to the details mentions above. Online earners I suggest you to take caution while earning money online. Thank you.

Quoted from Earn IT youtube channel.

So that being said thank you for reading and viewing that above video and if you like what I’m doing please donate to here:

Donating gets you life time access and also access to see how we change things for the good.


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