Hello everyone Rukun here just blogging away with more useless content as I’ve been super busy but this year’s goal is to get to the point of being able to work for myself and well this is part of that as my goal with thoughts of everything is to provide a wide range of content and yes we have upgraded account here but those usually go to running cost at this time and since my other business is pretty much funding this site and registered our tradename as part of the business but we are not really for profit and all the earnings I earn from posts like this goes into the whole idea at this time. My business is called Rutakus/Rust of All Trades. Anyways so I’m planning on doing more of these post to document my work on testing sites but I will be doing this on my honest list and elite earning list. So this site called ADS by UAP and I’ve been testing this site for while. Done a little bit of advertising and was happy ans a lot of members on site that are active. Here is my screenshot for my earns updated to today just before this post.

So if you would like to test this site with me click here: https://urle.io/adsuap-referlink
Complete the cheat/human check (thank you we earn for that view) geet to the Ads by UAP click register and join under me. I suggest you register here on thoughts of everything so you can stay in contact with me and get bonuses for your activity. Also if you need help I’m here for ya within a reason able of time.
Thanks for reading and everything your awesome for supporting this site and me. Let’s make Life Awesome Again #letsmakelifeawesomeagain
BTW don’t forget we are are registered Brave Publisher where you can donate BAT tokens to us and get an life upgraded account here on thoughts of everyting plus other awesome stuff such as discounts from my other business stuff and what not. Just click here: https://brave.com/tho791 and download Brave and start using the Brave browser to view the web and earn BAT #basicattentiontoken tokens when can be cashed out for your currency through Uphold or donated to your favorite publisher such as us here at Thoughts Of Everything