Hello everyone how are you all doing today?? Hopefully well and you all are being safe out there. I know I do my best to be safe even when I’m at work. So I hope you guy haven’t forgot to register on Thoughts Of Everything for an account so you guys can join in on this awesome community. 

So normally I wouldn’t bring earning programs that I’m testing out to a public post. But I think have a post such as this one where we look at a new crypto/digital currency. But Remember!! THIS PROJECT COULD TURN OUT TO BE NOTHING OR WORTHLESS. So use at your own risk and still continue to do your own research. In fact if you find something I don’t have please share it with us as we here well right now just me does my best to provide the best and most reliable and honest reviews and investigations and the various online or make money at home programs, but this goes for all content we have unless it is labeled as satire or a work of fiction. Anyways as the owner of this site I require all staff to follow these guidelines. So I repeat again this whole post I will be discussing something that could end up to be nothing or a scam. But this project has a lot of promise and transparency from the developers of the project. “So what is this project and why haven’t you said what it is yet?” You maybe asking yourself or not but I was saving that for this next sentence. This new upcoming cryptocurrency/digital currency is called Pi Network.

So I have been researching and testing the app for about a year now. Pi Network is an app and a crypto that right now you can mine with your mobile phone. As there is a possibility they will stop mining after the Pi Network hits Mainnet. Now I have heard of people already transacting Pi through various networks. One such app I heard about in my upline’s Pi chat channel and I mentioned it in my chat channel for my downline. The App is a third party app that I can’t really recommend just yet due to not having enough research into it. But there is other place I heard Pi is being traded like on discord and such. So I hope to see this have a good amount in value. Now if I’m able to I will accept Pi here if you want to become a supporter and support us. But at the moment I don’t have all the information for it yet. 

What is Pi and who are the developers? Pi and the project/app is created and developed by a couple of Stanford University PHDs in hopes to bring cryptocurrency to the masses and make it more mainstream. I personally would like to see all currency powered by Blockchain technology but with the right for everyone to be able to purchase whatever asset they want without governments trying to say that’s not allowed which is what is starting to happen in India right now at the time of this post. I might look into that story at a later time. But right now we are focusing on Pi. With this being said I’m going to say that the developers of the project seem to be pretty transparent as to who is all involved and what their goals are. Now as for who owns the domain name for the project i.e. according to Domain Tools, the domain ownership is hidden by privacy which as I’ve stated a while back is something scammer do to hide who owns the domain(s), but in this day in age honest people do it as well because of spammers and scammers harvesting such data for bad purposes. Here is Domain Tools information: https://whois.domaintools.com/minepi.com. But regardless, more research is always needed for any program as there isn’t enough and most people that promote such project are terrible uplines that do nothing to help out referrals. Either way there is a very good possibility the project becomes nothing and you will find a whole bunch of opinion based information with no actual research in to the Pi Network. Now again anything is possible but many people laughed at Bitcoin when it first came out now those same people I see cheering on many different cyrptos/tokens. Now look how Bitcoin is doing. But again there are many examples out there where a some sort of blockchain based token i.e cryptocurrency has turned scam. So Pi could be providing no value but most of us haven’t really invested anything accept out time every 24 hours to press the mine button. So possible yes we are wasting our time. Let us waste the time for you if you don’t want to try it out, that’s what we are here for LOL. 

Now in my research I had also that discovered that a Sony marketing veteran is has got involved on the Pi Network project. Christine Birch who launched ROYGBIV Collective which is a consulting firm and their latest project is Pi Network. Here is the article where I had fo9udn that information from: https://deadline.com/2020/01/christine-birch-sony-executive-the-roygbiv-collective-pi-network-1202836761/.

So now you can judge for yourself whether or not Pi Network is a scam or not. Basically you make the choice whether you are going to take that risk. Now I the owner of this site plan on accepting Pi for supporter access here and most products and services on the other side of my company and tradenames. Remember a lot of shit online is full of speculation with little to no research and that makes it hard time find verifiable content. Now I try my best here and once we have staff they will also have to follow the same standards of doing our best to provide all information available. Anyways, as always thank you very much for reading this article and we do plan on visiting this topic further especially if new information is a available. I also plan on doing a video about this article for our Youtube channel.

Now if you would like to join with us Click this link here to sign up under me: https://minepi.com/rukun1028 and you should join Thought Of Everything to stay informed or even my downline chat inside the Pi app called “Rukun1028 Earning Team” you might have to find it. If you do join and mine everyday thank you I might do bonuses for my active downline but it’s a little more iffy on such a prelaunch project. So we will see. But, anyways, be safe out there peoples and you have a good day or night. Stay tuned in for more. Don’t forget if you are using Brave Browser you can send us a tip if you like our work and get easy supporter access. Thank you.



By Ru-Kun

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