
Hello everyone how is it going today? Hopefully well. Now we are getting through all this craziness going on in the world.  So as fate would have it one of the networks I’m a member of that was listed in my best sites of 2020 for earning programs/websites has been moved back to the testing program list but is still paying and at this current moment still trusted by us. But with recent events where the admin had issues with Skrill something about the admin using the account for business. This is possible because it might have been a personal account and more then likely the admin can’t get a business account. But he was told he couldn’t use Skrill any more meaning he wasn’t able to get a business account. Now I know they are kind of a pain in the behind to get a hold for a business account as I tried to get one myself for my online store and my advertising network but never heard back when I contacted them. I have a verified Skrill personal account which I’ve had for awhile and money goes into my bank and cash received is report on taxes and I have a registered business and Thoughts Of Everything is a registered tradename.  We have a business verified Paypal, I have a verified Coinbase account and a verified Uphold account as well.  

Anyways, so with this being said the traffic exchange had no changes other then the message in this blockquote here;

I got an email from Skrill and they said they were checking members accounts and found out I was using my personal account for business. They said I can no longer use their services. I also cant use PayPal and Skrill and PayPal are the only processors allowed in US. They are really regulating it after all the scams. I do have Faucetpay though with Bitcoin. I am sorry guys that is all I got. ALL I HAVE IS FAUCETPAY.

From the Admin of Adhits4U

But the other sites which where PTC/GPT sites had their script changed and no user account/ad info import from old DB which kind of sucks as I had a lot of ads running from my purchases and balances. But he did add advertising balance to my accounts on those three sites. So with this being said sorry if any Thoughts Of Everything views joined before and now don’t want to rejoin again we understand but if anyone the site’s visitors want to please rejoin as stated we still trust this site but we have move this site to our testing paying list for a bit due to this above reason and the factor I had came across admin being a member of said administrator/program not to be named hacking this site and slandering my name.  This is the only reason as I told him what they did and what issues he cause me on his sites first script still went to join that site. Regardless, we are in every legal right with scammer site or site not to be named. But anyways, the admin of Mystics Clicks, Police PTC, Bankroll Clicks, and AdHits4U TE is a trusted site in that we will still promote and advertise the program. Though, we here at Thoughts Of Everything media can’t be bought we do give the benefit of the doubt network/admin in that he has been help both time this has happened by add back the purchase balances for my advertising. But it still happened and for right now I’m not goin g to holding large balances for cash out like I was planning due to testing label but I still recommend them and please view my ads. If you have to join again i.e. you were a referral previously I hook you up with some advertising on one my sites for being active and sign up again but if not you can still get activity bonuses for being a member on this site. Site only has PTC and now faucet but from what I can tell Bitcoin is all that is available with Faucetpay (sorry we can’t recommend Faucet \pay as they block the USA but you can still use a bitcoin wallet. Now I will be finding out soon what other cryptos will be accepted from this point on. You can join the sites below.

Police PTC: No longer available

Bankroll Clicks: No longer available

Mystic Clicks: No longer available

AdHits4U free traffic exchange:

Thanks for reading and if your using Brave browser don’t forget to send us a tip if you like and support our shit. Thank you.

By Ru-Kun

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