Hello everyone and how is it going today? I hope you guys are all doing well. I’m doing ok here slowly starting to get things caught up. Most of the blog posts I had sitting in drafts are mostly done. I have to work today as well and my fucking pain levels are higher than normal which kind of sucks. But I will do what I can. I’m still behind on a lot of things but I am trying to get shit done. Let’s get back to the post topic I’m going to blog about here.
For those of you new to crypto faucets in general. What I mean is I have seen faucets for cash or gift cards as well, but for the purpose of this article, I will be focusing on a Zcash crypto faucet that I have been testing for most of this year called Global Hive. You can check out every article we have ever written here on Thoughts Of Everything here: https://www.thoughtsofeverything.org/tag/global-hive/. More tips are included throughout. But there isn’t much to this project other than claiming daily little amounts of Zcash. My current earnings are with no referrals.
This will be my Global Hive 129th Payout. This payout was an accumulated amount of my daily claim rewards. These ones were paid at once rather than instant as it has been. I have my 130th payment currently pending network confirmations. But that is going to have to be for another blog post at another time. My 129th payout is for 0.00065946 ZEC. You can see my payment proof screenshot below.
Ru-Kun’s Global Hive 129th Payout
![Ru-Kun's 129th payout From Global Hive](https://www.thoughtsofeverything.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/globalhive_129th_payment_rukun-278x300.gif)
I will say that I hope this project moves up to my paying list but for the time being, I will state Global Hive is in my testing list and still has some time before moving up to the paying list. At this time I do not reward downline for activity either. This could change. I will reward active referrals once on the paying list especially those who joined before the project moved to the paying list. if you would still like to join under me, that will help me test out that referral/affiliate program you can click my referral link click here: https://globalhive.io/r/231722 (SITE CLOSED was Paid in full before closing)
Thanks for reading and if you joined my referral link it helps us keep Thoughts Of Everything going.
Again click my referral link and earn some free daily Zcash click here: https://globalhive.io/r/231722 (SITE CLOSED was Paid in full before closing)