Hello everyone Rukun here and again I’m going to blog an update to mining Bitcoin with an software application I have been testing for e bit now. Right now the application is on my testing list but because cryptocurrency and the crypto mining industry is still fairly new to me. But so far getting into it I haven’t had to many issues. I’m going to suggest to always be careful out there and we will be doing our best to give you the most accurate information when it comes to our investigations of things through out the world and will usually provide evidence or accurate sources for factual info. And here at Thoughts Of Everything we will do just that. Anyways, so as I stated I believe in the previous article I wrote about the Honeyminer software application I will be requesting my payouts at 3000 Satoshis. I haven’t been doing a lot of mining lately as I have been using my PC more but I still run the app when I go to work and sometimes while I’m sleeping but I don’t always like to using my everyday PC for this. I plan on building some cryptocurrency mining machines out of my old stuff I have sitting in our home office basement. But as most computers these days can mine cryptocurrency. Anyways so below I have a screenshot of my stats today 6-6-2020 and it will show how close I am to reaching payout. I will be close to my 3rd payout I believe.

Anyways, I plan on providing more information to the background to the company that runs Honeyminer and heck maybe even an interview with company owners. As stated before this program is still in our testing list as I have only reached 2 payments thus far so far. Clicking the honeyminer tag on this post will take you to all post related to honeyminer. Honeyminer’s domain name information is hidden by privacy see domaintools link here: https://whois.domaintools.com/honeyminer.com but this doesn’t mean a thing just use with care still. But we will do the work for you and show you if the app is trusted or not. Domain name has been online since 2017.
If you would like to test with me you can join Honeyminer right now by clicking here: https://honeyminer.com/referred/5ba0e
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