
Hello everyone, Ru-Kun here so for as long as I have been doing the online earning thing such as the get-paid-to stuff I’ve seen a lot of these url shortener services that pay your for the clicks on your shortened links. But I have never join or used one such service. I don’t really have any reason why I’ve never joined but as I see it to evolve Thoughts Of Everything website to something awesome that I would like to see I have to start going outside my box. In the online earning world there is a lot of scams so this means any program I test is to be considered a risk until otherwise said. It sucks to have to think like this but I seen and have been scammed quite a bit mostly time wasted but I think by starting to work on help others watch out for scammers will be the biggest thing I can do as well as help recover loses. That’s kind of why most run their own small personal blog for earning online. And since Thoughts Of Everything was created by combining all my personal websites into one.

So now what is a URL link shortener? A URL shortener service is one the makes website links short as they tend to look more pleasing to the eye I guess. For those that don’t have the tech knowledge a lot of websites tend to have really long random looking urls (i.e. web site links)  especially site that have store or shopping options or one that pass dynamic information to the client side display (your computer screen. Information above from this link: <LINK RERMOVED> which is my first link test.

Now guys here is my actual referral link for the very first web site link shortening service where you earn from your link clicks. Since this is a very NEW service by all means it might be a risk as domain is only 57 days old from the time of this post. Here is the domain record on Domain Tools. All news site in my opinion are considered to be testing phase until they have been established online long enough. Heck my earner sites and traffic exchange are in this phase as well because I have made enough payouts and what not. But I don’t as I don’t plan on going anywhere with my site and I know that’s kind of how it is due to the amount of scammers there has been online, just takes a couple of bad greedy people to make stuff like this happen. So nothing can be helped on that part, all we can do is make sure to help honest business owners grow as that is what I would like done for me. Anyways, so here is my referral link if your the type of person to test things here is URLE: <LINK REMOVED>

Thank you very much for reading this post, clicking on all links and/or join as my referral. Also I do special things for my active referrals so sign up on Thoughts Of Everything is you haven’t so already. If so you know how to contact me XD

EDIT 11-12-2020 SCAM

By Ru-Kun

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