Jillsclickcorner is another trusted site as some of all of my previous posts about GPT/PTC. You know like my Scarlet-Clicks post. Anyways Jillsclickcorner has been around since 2006 and is part of the MultiMoneyGroup which has a lot of site and I will be posting about each of these site soon as I want referrals and being my referrals you can come here for help and maybe soon bonuses for my active referrals. Jillsclickcorner is a paid to click site but has other options for earning extra cash. Paid to sign up offers are always a good place to start. But there is not just that there are games and contests too. Jillsclickcorner has been paying since back when they were using Paypal and after they lost it they still are running strong. They have other options to request cash out including bitcoin which I will be cashing out in here soon to get my self started into the bitcoin. Bit I’m poor at the moment LOL. Sad. 😥 which is why I want to promote honest sites such as these as I think to do great thing in the realm of help people earn extra especially those with disabilities. Anyways guys and gales thanks for reading and if you would like to join as my referral either click the banner at the top of this post of click my referral link by clicking here: http://www.jillsclickcorner.com/members/register.php?ref=MrRuste