Hellos everyone, welcome new readers and existing readers if you happened to read my first post from today. How are you guys doing? Hopefully your guys are doing well. I’m doing ok you can read more about how I’m doing if you give a shit on my other post before this one as I don’t feel like repeating myself. But we are here to discuss Mode earning app formally known as Current Earning app or Music app as you get paid to listen to radio stations and other micro-tasks.
Now I will say that I have been testing this project since around April 2021. The project is on the testing list and is on the watch list until the end of this year due to past issues and problems I have had with the project/company. I will say issues have been resolved and things are good. But the issues are pretty big IMO. You can see everything I have documented/share/investigated by my experience with Mode earning app.
Now just because this project is on the watch list doesn’t mean it’s a scam. Just means there have been some major issues and I had some bullshit ass issues. I will still reward those of you who sign up under me because Mode’s affiliate program is limited to only 10 people which means any sign up after that 10 people limit I don’t earn off those sign ups and areas you earn from your referrals such as that area you play mobile games in. So I will only be rewarding the first 10 people to sign up under my referral link.
@ru-kun’s 9th Payment From Mode Earning App
This is my 9th payout from Mode and it was sent to my PayPal account. $10 was requested and my payment proof below is minus the PayPal fees.

This was the first time that Mode/Current earning app has paid me as fast as the did. Like a day believe. Normally it takes about a week and they state its about 7 business days. my payment before this took a month. That payment was one such issue that put this project on my watch list. Either way I have been every time thus far whether slow of fast I got money. Now if you want to join as well please click my referral link here to sign up: https://crrnt.me/jX9A5pMKmAb (I will only give activity bonuses to the first 10 people).
Thanks for reading.