
oWhy hello everyone and thanks for stopping by. If you were here earlier for the article I wrote about my Elder Scrolls Online gameplay thanks for stopping by again. But I’m here again to write about more about Pi Network and bring in more information that I have gathered and also the announcement of the Pi wallet on the testnet. Now this is a an awesome announcement as the project is starting to move forward. Like we have stated in our previous article: where I stated to discuss the project and dig up some information. But I also state that this project “could” end up to be nothing or a scam because some actual listed cryptocurrencies have become scams before I had it happen to me with JSEcoin which was one that could be mined with a website. See my screenshot below.

As you can see from the above I have 14,416.76 worthless JSEcoins I can’t do shit with and the project was a listed token and had some protentional just listed itself on shitty exchanges and didn’t go much else where but enough of that talk. As you can see it could be a scam and if you really think about it all cryptocurrencies could be a scam especially if government’s really want to be stupid like some counties have already been start to ban cryptocurrency like India has started to do. Now the reason I’m bring this up is in my research I have been finding a lot of poor research from other blogs or people who actually don’t bring in the full picture or a lot of what I have found a lot of is little to no actual research just bullshit speculations. Now AGAIN I’m not saying this project is a legit or a scam. I the owner of this site and licensed business owner/tradename registrant of Thoughts Of Everything am publicly writing about this project with such warnings that this is a project is on the Thoughts Of Everything testing list. Most testing articles are member only.

But anyway, a couple of articles caught my eye in that what was mentioned and trust me in my free time with the available tools to look into this deeper. But first as stated earlier Pi Network has announced the test wallet here is their tweet: and don’t forget to follow me/Us on twitter. So I’m also going to mention that Pi Network is now on CoinMarketCap here: which right has no market data because it hasn’t hit mainnet yet. But it’s getting closer. And I have added it to my watchlist on my CoinMarketCap account to keep an eye on it. Either way this is some exciting news and I still yet have to check or update my desktop app for my computer as they stated they are still waiting for approval in the app stores at the time of this writing for the mobile app to have the wallet feature.

Anyway, the announcement of the Pi Network test wallet was what I was only going to write about/focus on but into digging up some other info I needed to kind of bring what I had found to light. Like I stated above I found a lot of poorly researched information or bring in a lot of their own opinions rather that facts. I mean it’s ok to have some opinion without bring in facts to backup said opinion or having partial or no know of a mean such as the one I found a lot of people calling Pi Network a MLM (Multi-level marketing) which I can tell you Pi Network doesn’t qualify for being considered an MLM because MLMs have multi referral level in which you can earn from.  Pi Network has only one level. Some better examples of MLM is businesses such as Amway or Herbalife. I have a little bit of experience with both and used to sell Herbalife as some of the products are ok but never was about getting downline really. But both are MLMs. According to Investopedia

“Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a strategy some direct sales companies use to encourage existing distributors to recruit new distributors who are paid a percentage of their recruits’ sales. The recruits are the distributor’s “downline.” Distributors also make money through direct sales of products to customers. Amway, which sells health, beauty, and home care products, is an example of a well-known direct sales company that uses multilevel marketing.”

There is illegal and legal MLM style companies following the above link/citation from Investopedia will explain more about this but unfortunately there seem to be more scammers which in turn hurts honest businesses. Now in the case of Pi Network one being the there is only one downline level and there is even the possibility that once Pi becomes a full crypto/digital currency no more new users will be able to mine or mining will completely stop unless you have been approved to run a node which I actually applied and trying to get the system set up right now. Well actually I have to build a system for it and my current desktop PC that I’m typing this article on is not compatible to run a node. Sorry for going off on a random chatter. But regardless Pi Network DOES NOT fall under the scam style MLM companies. But this doesn’t mean its not a scam. But for the most part it doesn’t have the characteristics of a scam profile by our definition and I Rukun have been testing and researching extra money making programs for a while, though I don’t claim to know everything and I’m always learning. Now I will say always be careful out there if you don’t know enough or just don’t trust it but still are interested in the idea let us do the research such as I have done for this program. 

So other things that I have come across on the internet where Mofos be screaming scam is the permissions the app requires to be bale to run and yes you should always be concerned about the permissions an app needs on your device. But in sense a lot of apps require a lot of permissions the you should be considered about but you still install them anyways. Pi Network mobile app requires “contacts” permissions which is according to the screenshot I took from my settings for the app on my Android device. See my screenshot taken today 4-2-2021 7:38PM below:

Rukun's device screenshot of Pi app permissionsSo as you can see from my above screenshot “no permissions” have been denied and the only access to my contacts is been allowed which is for send people in your contacts your referral link if you think a person would be interested. But unfortunately some people tend to be spammers but we all do it in some sense. Now some of the site that I will be mentioning here are some that straight out called scam stated the app requires all kind of permissions which I did not see on my device. FYI, I’ve been testing this project since almost the beginning if I haven’t mentioned it already. Sorry if I did. But anyways, I found numerous sites say scam and in fact all are worded pretty close to each which sound’s really odd. These sites also mention that the app sends packets to weird domains one being “” and “”. That being said is most likely a domain owned by Social Chain Inc which owns Pi or is part of Pi. But there is a privacy policy here: for the app which is technically part of the app so I’m not seeing what these guys are saying. But then again all of them go into complaining about being forced to watch ads which isn’t true at all either as you can technically shut off the ads in the app’s settings. 

Now either way very poor/lazy research and looks like copy/paste work where you look at the sites as well. The first site was one I don’t remember how I found it but I was gather information about the Pi test wallet. The site is called and the post in question was written on this page: which the domain is currently owned by Zephyr Technology Ventures LLC but might be listed for sale. Here is the domain tools information: and on their about us page it states to index data from around the next so that could be why this article looks like this one here: and sorry it’s in a different language but after I translate it for you using Google translate you will see that it is almost the same: Domains Tools doesn’t really give me any whois info But site is hosted in Singapore: But you can see almost the same article though this site had it written on Feb 22, 2021. Now here we have another clone shit talking site right here with what is again almost the same article: and they even gave me something to look into called “The Coin Post” which in turn has an article that is written just like the the other websites I mention here that talk about Pi Network so called being a scam. Here is the website link the the article in question: So as you can see this article are most likely full of BS as well. Now one other common factor I get from all there articles is they mention a person named “Midas Tricone” who claimed that the Pi Network mobile app stolen $3.00 from his/her bank account and they never gave them their bank information. Now as a person has been receiving Airdrops and testing this project since almost the beginning I really find this person’s statement here: total bullshit as no actual proof was shared like a screenshot or criminal complaint with personal ID info edited out. Now being that I have not only my bank app on my device but I also have Coinbase app, Paypal, Uphold, Skrill, Robinhood app and many other security and financial apps with no issues what so ever. Think about it would $3.00USD really be worth that much to a criminal or to go to jail over. NO!!! And if you look down the comments someone even mentions this person could be from a review farm. If you see the comment on Midas Tricone’s profile this was the only post. Not much info on profile either could be a bot? Possibly, but shows how much work was involved in those people who write the above articles and even cited the review farm bot’s post with not actual evidence. 

So with the previous Pi article info I have gathered (see here: I will provide some further information. Fyi Social Chain Inc. is part of Pi Network. has it’s domain info hidden but that doesn’t mean a thing here is the domains tools whois:

Now for the information has Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. for registrar. And when you view the link it has links to which is the company that owns the domains. Now projects like this need investors so this could possibly be some of those. But MobVista from what I understand is an advertising platform. Again you can turn off the ads and a lot of apps use have these ads displayed so I believe a lot of platforms use it. has same whois info as except the server info.

Now if you haven’t read the last article I wrote about Pi Network the link is actually above I believe twice if you have been paying attention to what I have wrote, thank you to those who have. 😀 But there was something I had mentioned about a Sony Marketing vet getting on board with this project and her domain for her business has her domain info hidden by privacy. FYI this is get more common these days due to spam on personal site owners and businesses. I know as I have experienced it. Some domains sales automatically have this turned on now days. But here is the domains tools whois info:

So with all this information I have gather thus far you make the decision to join do but if you at least become a member of Thoughts Of Everything so we can stay in contact and you can get updates for this project as I come across them.

Join $Pi Network here: and make sure that “rukun1028” is in your referral when you join just in case it doesn’t have it there.

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By Ru-Kun

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