Hello all my awesome readers and how are you guys doing today? I hope you guys are doing ok and as always thank you very much for visiting my site as I have put a lot of work and time into. Now, I’m doing ok. My pain levels are still pretty high. I have been having to use ice on my neck and back lately. Have to take prescriptions when it is super bad. But I manage my pain pretty well with cannabis.
That being said we support the legalization and I have been a medical patient for a long time, but I haven’t had a card for a couple years due to cannabis being legal for personal use without card. Card is only good if I want to grow or get discounts or cannabis only available to medical patients at medically approved stores. We are cannabis friendly here as well. Anyways, I complete got off topic but I think I need to so I can start making you guys aware of things in the website.
So what I suppose to be talking about is an mobile mining app called COIN (https://coin.onelink.me/ePJg/zhnsqi46) that you can earn coins that can be cashed out for XYO, BItcoin, Etheruem cryptos. You can also cash out for products as well but they might change all the time so listing what you can get wouldn’t be worth the time. COIN (https://coin.onelink.me/ePJg/zhnsqi46) is an app that lets you Geomine to earn these coins. I believe the app is owned and operated by XYO. I also believe they are a registered company. XYO‘s company registration is here: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/xyo-network.
This above being stated the testing phase of this project has started back when I signed up. Just a like over a year ago. Registered business have a 2 to 2 1/2 years of testing if there have been 3 plus payments received by one of our staff. This will be the first payment. Just need 2 more to get past the testing phase once time is past for testing. Now I will say that I have been testing the app for a little over a year, about 395 days at the time of this blog post. I have a free account with none of the devices and no referrals at the time of this post.
The payment
I have been paid $XYO tokens to my Coinbase trading account so that I can earn the holding rewards. Now I already do have some XYO tokens I have been earning hold rewards on that I have bought. The minimum payout is 10000 coins for XYO. The price varies as the price of XYO changes. I was paid +1,298.0000 XYO and you can see my payment proof below.

Now like I stated this programs is still under our testing list so join at your own risk. But I will still possibly reward my active downline if you do join just so I can test our the referral program as well. I want to thank you very much for staying all the way through this post. If you want to join under me regardless as I’m pretty sure this app is legit click my referral link here: https://coin.onelink.me/ePJg/zhnsqi46